Hi There
Role:Software Development
Hi There
Hi-There is an innovative application that allows our client to take pictures of users in various scenarios on-site, and then give them access to the picture on their own phones then allowing them to customize and share their image on social media while promoting the associated brand!

01. The Challenge

The challenge of the idea was to make the process as easy and seamless as possible for the users, to allow our clients to expand the reach of their brand activation in public areas.

02. Strategy & Approach

The goal was to provide an application that was easy to use for both Brand Activation members and the users that would be interacted though in a fun way, and having the customisation tool to allow its use in multiple cases and campaigns. Another important aspect of this project is the privacy and safety of users while using the app, we needed to keep all of these aspects in front of mind during the project.

03. Final Experience

The application provided all the tools to produce and support unprecedented and memorable brand activations, while allowing the user to share their creations in their social media profiles, allowing an exponential increase of market reach.